Accredited bachelor's degree study programmes
Geodesy and Cartography
(full-time and part-time study form in Slovak)
Part-time study is charged at 900,- € per annum.
Graduates will acquire theoretical foundations of exact and natural sciences as well as humanities and economic sciences. This general framework is followed by the basic scientific disciplines of geodesy and cartography. The student acquires the core knowledge by completing a group of subjects that form a theoretical, professional and technical - application base of study. The group of basic subjects is suitably supplemented and the profile of the graduate is expanded by subjects from the field of law and management. Graduates are employable in the field of state and regional administration of the real estate cadastre, in investment construction, in the state and private sphere that solves the problems of geodetic networks, engineering geodesy, cartography and topographic work.
Civil Engineering Structures
(full-time and part-time study form in Slovak)
Part-time study is charged at 900,- € per annum.
The study programme Civil Engineering Structures is a traditional technical study programme underlying the follow up study at the second degree of university education in study programmes focused on engineering and transport structures. Completion of the study programme is a preparation for a smooth transition to the master´s (engineer) degree study. Graduates can work in construction industry in the design and construction of load-bearing structures of engineering and transport construction and in selected professions of building construction. Graduates are also employable in state administration bodies, local selfgovernment, environmental offices and in organisations performing the administration of engineering structures and transport structures. By completion of the study programme, the graduates acquired the basic prerequisites for obtaining a qualification to perform a regulated profession after completing master´s (engineer) degree study.
Civil Engineering Structures
(full-time study form in English)
Study in English language is charged at 3500,- € per annum.
As a bachelor’s graduate, you can be employed directly in the investment construction of transport and ground constructions process as a construction manager or a construction production supervisor, in state administration or construction-business companies. This study program is accredited for teaching in English in full-time form. It is followed by masters’s (engineer) degree study program Civil Engineering Structures.
Construction Management
(full-time and part-time study form in Slovak)
Part-time study is charged at 900,- € per annum.
Graduates are qualified experts in the field of preparation and management of the construction process, focusing on complex solution of technical, technological and economic contexts of the construction process with a significant supportof the use of information technology for the design, modelling and optimisation of processes related to the management of construction projects. Students are encouraged to be independent and to be able to adapt to changing conditions and specially to understand the principles and rules of correct, factual and cost-effective solutions. Graduates are able to analyse and keep the basic economic agenda and acquire basic knowledge in the field of business. Completion of the study program is preparation for a smooth transition to the master´s (engineer) degree study. Graduates are employable in many professions in construction industry in the construction of all types of buildings and in the design of simple structures. They are also employable in state administration bodies, local governments at environmental offices and in organisations performing the administration of transport structures. By completion of the study programme, the graduates acquired the basic prerequisites for obtaining a qualification to perform a regulated profession after completing master´s (engineer) degree study.
Building Engineering
(full-time study form, 4 - year study)
Graduates will acquire adequate scientific education and basic knowledge in the field of social and economic disciplines, understand and acquire essential knowledge, concepts, principles and theories of architectural structures and theories of building technology and other engineering disciplines based on their ecological, material, static, physical, energy, technological, economic and managerial nature. They are able to use the acquired knowledge in their professional activities, understand the context and consequences of alternative solutions and master their optimisation, can use appropriate theory, criteria, practical procedures and tools for specifying, analysing and solving technical - technological and economic - managerial problems of complex preparation and implementation of buildings with understanding and accepting their character. They acquired technical - architectural education and will be able to creatively cooperate with all participants of construction andspecialists in all professions of project documentation of building structures. Their multidisciplinary profile is complemented by knowledge of business, management, valuation of constructions and the basics of law in construction. They can creatively apply knowledge of natural sciences, humanities and engineering disciplines in the process of design, analysis and evaluation ofbuildings. Their knowledge allows them to participate in the design, technical preparation, implementation and supervision of less demanding building structures. They are able to work as designers in design and manufacturing companies, technologists, economists/budgeters and construction managers in implementation companies, technicians in government departments and territorial units and investment departments, in the preparation and implementation of buildings, in construction in thefield of environmental protection, in the management of operation and maintenance of buildings and the like. By completion of the study programme, the graduates acquired the basic prerequisites for obtaining a qualification to perform a regulated profession after completing master´s (engineer) degree study.